
I feel incredibly pregnant. I am 29 weeks today and had my regular OB check up this moning .. I was in a hurry this morning so i jumped out of the shower and grabbed some coffee and took off. Once I got into the room with my nurse, she checked my blood pressure. It was very high. Then my OB tells me that's an early tell-tale sign of hypertention. She weighed me, drew blood to check my sugar and sent me home, telling me to "eat a huge bacon cheeseburger and fries with a shake...and come back at two.." so i did. Hardees .. ohh yeaaahhh. So i went home after and grabbed a bowl of pudding for my second trip. Finally my blood pressure and blood sugar was normal and I had a good check up after. She told me even if I forget at home to stop and get food no matter where I'm going so i stay in the normal range..especially on my way to see her - haha.

Anyhow.. I have also had indigestion since I ate that damn burger and I'm gonna

77 days or less til I meet my little boy :-)  I'm sooo excited :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)

We have decided on his WHOLE final name. All I'm saying is that's my little Carter :-)

Did I mention I love cheeze its :-)  mhmm

Well, my 'First 48' is on so i gots to goooo.


looks like ☁️