Sometimes ;-)

So.. I woke up to Brandon's head popped in my window, lol. Thx b. We went to Joe Patti's & got shrimp and crawfish -eww- so he can cook. I just want the sausage and corn with potatoes cooked with it. Yummy.

Then I had a WIC apt and got my fingers pricked, I hate that so much. Its just an annoying prick, but that's it.. its ANNOYING ALL DAY. Got that done, now I'm finally home laying in my bed watching reruns of The Kardashians. Season finale was on last night and Kim tells the fam she's prego. Great episode.

B took some pics Saturday night, but I have to find time to crop and edit them before I can post because they're in panties. Haa.

Gonna start that now. Carter is doing great other than me being anemic. More grains and pork. 29w4d today :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

looks like ☁️