OB - 4.29.2013

Well, I had Brendan and Braydon BOTH at 36w3d. Both "late" preterm babies. Both perfectly healthy. Brendan was 5.1 & Braydon was 6.9 - Trae, I was induced at 39weeks to the day & he was perfectly healthy & weighed at 6.6 - That being said, baby Carter has a blockage in his umbilical cord. I went in yesterday (and going again tonight) for steroid shots to help develop his lungs in case I DO deliver early, or the blockage is causing him problems, therefore my OB will induce me.

Going tomorrow for a neonatal US @ Sacred Heart to determine what my OB will do.

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Preterm labor and birth

What are the symptoms of preterm labor?
Call your midwife or doctor right away if you're having any of the following symptoms before 37 weeks:
  • More vaginal discharge than usual
  • A change in the type of discharge – if you're leaking watery fluid or your discharge becomes watery, mucus-like, or bloody (even if it's pink or just tinged with blood)
  • Any vaginal bleeding or spotting
  • Abdominal pain, menstrual-like cramping, or more than four contractions in one hour (even if they don't hurt)
  • More pressure in the pelvic area (a feeling that your baby is pushing down)
  • Low back pain, especially if it's dull or rhythmic, or you didn't previously have back pain
These symptoms can be confusing because some of them, such as pelvic pressure or low back pain, are common during pregnancy, and sporadic early contractions may just be Braxton Hicks contractions.
But it's always better to be safe than sorry, so call your practitioner right away if you're experiencing anything unusual at any time during your pregnancy. To catch any potential problems early on, it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with symptoms you should never ignore during pregnancy.

What will happen if I start having preterm labor?

If you have signs of preterm labor or think you're leaking amniotic fluid, call your practitioner, who will probably have you go to the hospital for further assessment. You'll be monitored for contractions as your baby's heart rate is monitored, and you'll be examined to see whether your membranes have ruptured. Your urine will be checked for signs of infection, and cervical and vaginal cultures may be taken as well. You may also be given a fetal fibronectin test.
If your water hasn't broken, your practitioner will do a vaginal exam to assess the state of your cervix. A practitioner will often do an abdominal ultrasound as well, to check the amount of amniotic fluid present and confirm the baby's growth, gestational age, and position. Finally, some practitioners will do a vaginal ultrasound to double-check the length of your cervix and look for signs of effacement.

If all the tests are negative, your membranes haven't ruptured, your cervix hasn't dilated after a few hours of monitoring, your contractions have subsided, and you and your baby appear healthy, you'll most likely be sent home.

Although each practitioner may manage the situation a little differently, there are some general guidelines.
If you're less than 34 weeks pregnant and found to be in preterm labor, your membranes are intact, your baby's heart rate is reassuring, and you have no signs of a uterine infection or other problems (such as severe preeclampsia or signs of a placental abruption), your practitioner will probably attempt to delay your delivery.

First, you'll get IV antibiotics to prevent group B streptococcal infection (GBS) in your baby. (This is done just in case a culture shows you're a carrier, as it takes 48 hours to get results.) You'll most likely be given medication to try to stop contractions long enough so your baby can be given corticosteroids to speed up the development of his lungs.

If you're in a small community hospital where specialized neonatal care is not available for a preterm infant, you'll be transferred to a larger institution at this point, if possible. You and your baby will be monitored throughout labor if it does continue.

If your water breaks before 37 weeks but you're not having contractions, your medical team may decide to induce labor or may opt to wait, hoping to buy the baby more time to mature. It depends on how far along you are and whether there's any sign of infection or other reason that your baby would be better off being delivered. In any case, unless you've had a recent negative GBS test, you'll be given antibiotics to protect against group B strep.
If you're at 34 weeks or more, you may be induced or delivered by cesarean section.
If you're at 32 to 34 weeks, your amniotic fluid will be tested to see if your baby's lungs are mature. (The baby's lungs are among the last of the organs to mature.) Your caregiver will collect some of the amniotic fluid pooling in your vagina and send it to the lab for testing. (If there's no fluid available, you may have an amniocentesis to obtain fluid for testing.) If testing shows that your baby's lungs are mature, you'll be induced or, if necessary, delivered by c-section.
On the other hand, if you're 32 to 34 weeks pregnant, and the amniotic fluid test shows that your baby's lungs are not yet mature, or you're between 24 and 32 weeks, ACOG recommends waiting to deliver unless there's a clear reason to do otherwise.
The purpose of waiting is to try to give your baby more time to mature. The downside is a higher risk of infection. But at early gestational ages, the benefits of waiting usually outweigh the risks of an immediate induction or c-section.
While waiting, you'll receive antibiotics (in addition to those you'll be getting for GBS) to lower the risk of other infections and help prolong your pregnancy. You'll also receive a course of corticosteroids to help hasten your baby's lung development.
You and your baby will be monitored carefully during this time. Of course, if you develop symptoms of an infection or there are other signs that your baby is not thriving, you'll be induced or delivered by c-section.
If you haven't reached 24 weeks, neither antibiotics for GBS prevention nor corticosteroids are recommended. Your medical team will counsel you about your baby's prognosis, and you can opt to wait or be induced.

Video: Preemies in the NICU

Premature babies may need to stay in the NICU until their medical problems resolve, they can feed well without issues, and they've grown big enough. See what happens in the neonatal intensive care unit and how the littlest babies are treated.
Read about parenting in the NICU and watch a video about how parents can help their baby in the NICU.

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