Pictures :)

Sooo... I spent all night last night downloading my fb archive. I had almost 11,000 photos/videos on there! Took forever. But now that they are on my hard drive and photobucket I deleted all albums on fb. So, miss I try to hack your fb and twitter twice a day, you cant steal anything. Its all public for ya anyhow. I am so glad it was so simple. I started off opening one album and saving photos one at a time... then I realized I could download EVERYTHING. Although it took about 5 hours, I was able to do more than click and save :)

The reason for this post is because I am going to add photos here, still, but as you see they will all be water-marked. beautifulbae-as it has been for the past 6 years :)

New YouTube video up, and adding a new one tomorrow.

looks like ☁️