karma is a bitch

Friday, May 24, 2013

Mary Danison at 6:31 AM

It never ends

With jealous women who can't have what I have. I'm moving onto bigger and better things, I won't let you suck me back into your pathetic drama crap again like you always did. Its over for me. No I'm not backing down, I am standing up and saying I'm stronger then you, and I'm better then you. I'm wiser. I care about my babies and this drama is waisting my time. I won't let it consume my attention this time. I am only one woman and this woman needs to focus on her children and not a crazy psycho who has self image issues so badly that she has to make up stories about me and my family to make someone actually talk to her. Sad but true. Now to get back to my life without the stupid childish drama. Have fun with your lies, stories and phone calls. I'll be spending my time with my family! Enjoy your life the way you made it. I'll be sure to not tell trae anything for you next time I see him! ;) Buh bye stalker

Back to real life!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Mary Danison at 12:18 AM

Blah blah blah

Ooohhhh somebody got her panties all twisted in a bunch today. Lmfao. You know me so well huh. Hahahahahaha. Ok. Pretend your life is great. Not like I have to fake my life. Be jealous hunny be jealous!

Must I say it again, obviously your wrong about me, if your not why do I have my kids and you don't? Hahaha. Why am I married and your not, if my husband had any reason to think any of his kids aren't his, why wouldn't he want a dna test, huh? And if you facebooked him and told him, why would you say I'm lying and hiding that from him, believe me, he knows allllllll your claims and if he believed you for even a second he would have no problem getting a dna test, but he hasn't even considered it cause he knows for a FACT he is Her father. I sure wouldn't refuse one to any of my kids fathers. Why? Cause I know my kids fathers! Tell me...why don't you have your kids again, Sorry time is up...... Cause you are not made to be a mother, your made to make them for other people! End of story. Yup you know me so well, huh!!! Love you story books! Lol. Keep em commin, my amazing husband and I are enjoying them. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Going back to sleep next to my man, id hate to be you, having to share your MAN'S BED with another woman! Damnnnn. BAZINGA!!!!

Buh bye stalker

looks like ☁️