
Oh... what a day. So I sat up in bed this morning and immediately threw up - around 4:45am =( Then Brandon and I had plans to go to the beach (he had to work for like an hour or two) and I found a ton of really pretty shells I am going to be hanging around Carter's crib.. a tiny sand dollar included. Then we went for a walk on the pier. That was fun, but windy. I want to go back on a sunny day so I can see all the fish and sharks. Maybe tomorrow if it's nice. Then we came home & my brother and I went to see Olympus Has Fallen at The Rave (now Carmike) - very very good movie.. although hard for me to sit totally through without having to pee twice =) and stopped by Taco Bell on the way back to my house. When I got here the Pizza Hut guy was here bringing pizza to my neighbors, who I of course promptly told they should feed the baby.. and I got away with two slices of pizza =) Now I am done editing the photos I wanted to edit & I told my best friend goodnight so it's about that time for me to crawl back into my beautiful bed & hopefully get some well needed rest!

Carter is going to play soccer (I think) - all he does is kick =)

looks like ☁️