27 Weeks!

Wow.. I can't believe it. Every week has been passing by so fast. I can't recall the last time I felt like time passed this quick. Only 13 weeks left... Every time I walk by Carter's nursery I go in and fold something, or play with his swing. I can just about see him in his crib.. I can't wait until he is here with me. I'm excited & very anxious. I'm SO OVER being pregnant. The bigger I get the worse I feel. I can't get anything right with my left foot (lol) - serious. Lack of equilibrium SUCKS. I feel like I almost waddle.. haha Brandon.. and I know I get a little bigger every day cause when I "roll" out of bed in the mornings it gets tougher each day.

Anyhow.. off to see about the baby Jordan's I saw at the mall yesterday! They're adorable.

looks like ☁️