Survey Says:

1. How far along are you? 27w1d
2. How long have you and the father been together? October 2011 - This Time
3. Are you boyfriend/girlfriend, married, or not together? He is mine and I am his ;)
4. Do you live in the city, country, suburbs…? City
5. Was the pregnancy planned? Umm... Depends lol - Planned
6. Do you have any other children? Yes, all together we have a total of 8 (including this one)
8. What do you think the baby will look like? His Daddy
9. Do you plan on a natural birth or having an epidural? Natural
10. How did your parents react? I know they would have been happy, if they were still here..
11. How did the baby’s father’s parents react? Super Happy
12. When did you tell them? About a week after finding out
13. Did you consider abortion or adoption? No
14. What were your first symptoms? Breast tenderness & morning sickness
15. How did you find out? Missed period, Pregnancy test.
16. Have you had an ultrasound? Three
17. Have you heard the heart beat? Yes
18. Do you know the sex? Yes, a little boy ;)
19. What sex are you hoping for? At first I wanted a girl, because I have not experienced that.. Then (before I found out) I thought about the bond between me and my sons, and the fact that I have several neices and I was set on another boy. Nothing like the bond between a mommy and her son.
20. What girl/boy names did you consider?  Girl: Bailey Rae & Boy: Bentley Carter
21. How does the father feel about the pregnancy? He is excited!
22. Do you have any supplies yet? Almost everything
23. Have you felt the baby kick yet? All the time!
24. Have you decorated the nursery? How? Yes, Jungle <3
25. Are you currently working? No
26. What are you looking forward to? Carter FINALLY being here!
27. Are you financially able to care for a child? Yes
28. What is your worst symptom? Morning Sickness & headaches
29. Have you had any cravings? Yes, cheese, meat, chili.. anything spicy and salty
30. Have you had any food aversions? Anything with a lot of sugar.. ew.
31. Do you wear maternity clothes? No
32. Do you have stretch marks? No
33. Do you smoke or drink? Yes and No
34. Do you take prenatal vitamins? Yes, two types.
35. Are you going to breastfeed or use formula? Breast is best! But I had mastitus with my first, and if I develop it again with Carter I will have to formula feed.
36. Are you going to use disposable or cloth diapers? Pampers :)
37. Will you circumcise if it’s a boy? Yes
38. What is your weight gain so far? 16lbs
39. Has your baby had the hiccups? Yes, lots.
40. How big is the baby so far?  About 2 1/2 lbs
41. How are you sleeping? I have turned into an insomniac.
42. Any complications with your pregnancy? Placenta Previa
43. Have you seen your baby do any strange things during an ultrasound?  Cover his face fom us!
44. Do you get any criticism about your pregnancy? No.
45. How did you tell your partner? I showed him the test!
46. What is your job, employment status? Mommy
47. Partners job, employment status? Business owner
48. Will you send child to public, private, charter or home school? Unsure, beginning to completely dislike public schools, so maybe home school. I have 4/5 years to think about that though!
49. Are you having twins or a singleton? Singleton
50. What are five words that describe how you feel today? Happy, Excited, Anxious, Nervous.... Happy!

looks like ☁️