E.R Visit for Mommy & Baby

So this evening I started itching really bad.. and about the same time I was starting to have cramping in my lower abdomen. After most of my body turned red in what seemed like a really bad rash I decided to go to the E.R - I waited about 6 hours to be seen. Finally they checked my skin, did a pelvic exam, gave me a catheter and IV.. Then an ultrasound to check on baby.

Turns out I was having an allergic reaction to a new lotion I got from Bath & Body Works -Vanilla Sugar (???) - And everything from my pap to blood work came back great.. The ultrasound however showed a very low lying placenta. Almost completely covering my cervix. Their US also went along with my OB.. Today I would be 17w5d.

I am going to use that date from now on. Due June 18, 2013.

Baby was such a wiggle worm! The US lasted almost an hour because the tech could not take the pictures she needed for urology, she had take the same shots 6-8 times :)

We did find out the gender, and only B and I know. We are not telling anyone just yet!

I am EXTREMELY HAPPY! I was so worried about certain things that would go along with the gender.. And I still am.. but I couldn't be happier!


looks like ☁️