Sunday Fun.... 🀬😩😱

So.. around noon Carter and I were getting ready to head to the playground and play some tball. I, of course always begin before I say a word to him bc I take much longer and if I say anything before I’m ready I’ll just hear whining and “Are you ready yet?!” until I am. So I yell for Carter to get out of his pajamas.. then yelled again bc he muttered something & dropped it. My baby. Or might as well have been from the feelings I felt. My Morphe 35F (Fall into Frost) GONE FOREVER. NEVER TO BE THE SAME. Half the pans lost all color- or so I thought. After I collected the pieces of my soul off the ground I began to pick up the pieces. I tried to match chunks off my floor to whatever survived in the pans. I feel better, definitely after having repressed it, but still. It will never be the same.

looks like ☁️