all the things ! 🏫 ❤️ ✏️

i love these things. 
these hour open houses at school. 
this time i get to see all they’re becoming - all they’re learning. experiencing. meeting the people who teach my children is important to me. they love school. they love their teachers. their classmates.. & they also love math .. science and reading. they love these things because that’s instilled in them at home. kids act out what they’re learning at home, in school- and vice versa. education begins at home. lessons about life - like self respect - are taught at home. when your kids drop out or wind up pregnant in middle school, you may want to rethink that parenting. i have honor roll kids with perfect attendance. because they see me get up every morning, and do my best each day - they act out what they’re learning. they are amazing kids, and i’m so grateful i got to be their mom. (like a real one, who’s involved with her kiddos!)

These are a few photos from our open house at school tonight. my dude scored 6th grade level reading and language arts. mid/late 4th grade science and math. my bestie scored out on her reading and language arts, and is late 3rd grade level math and science! (sorting out means they scored above 5th grade level) not too shabby for starting 3rd and 4th grade less than 30 days ago! 

i can’t wait until i’m sixty and we can look back at the memories together.. i mean, i can wait!  😂 i just know it’ll be a great moment in the future.  

looks like ☁️