
 imagine someone you once called dad, becoming a man you had a baby with - but - refuse to tell the truth about it, although it’s clear to everyone else. now imagine your oldest daughter alleging sexual abuse by that same man. imagine being his homie STILL ! can you imagine that existence? how LOW you have to feel, to be in order to be at most cordial to said person. a real parent would shoot him where he stood, or at LEAST inform authorities and disconnect from this person in all ways..

unless you’re you. 

if you’re you, you continue to defend him. you always will. you have absolutely nobody else to run to when you need a place to stay or a pack of cigarettes. (tough habit, i know. i finally quit this year!) as a parent i had to. i had to save that $8 a day, it adds up. i can’t imagine how you are a smoker though..? how can you afford it? how can you manage $5 a day (at least) but no child support? how can you manage to have any type of contact with this man, after all? 

how can you claim jace is your adopted kids dad, but they don’t even share similar features much less color - and he’s also alleged to have sexually abused your child. and you still slept with him! 

imagine looking up to someone like this as a teacher..  a parent. imagine what you’ll turn out as? cant be much more. 

you’re a sad excuse. you don’t deserve children, and god took them from you. as you deserve. 

looks like ☁️