What’s it like?

​What’s it like wanting a child that’s not yours?  Trae is really your biggest concern, although you have ZERO of your TEN children?  yes. he is. know why? jealousy jealousy. 

SADLY, you’re more concerned about my children, than your own! 

Maybe work on yourself, and try to repair those relationships.  Do you know how your kids feel about you? They’re embarrassed. They are ashamed. They have no interest in anything to do with you.  That daughter of yours, she doesn’t even acknowledge you online.  When’s the last time you saw your kids? When’s the last time you spoke with ANY of them, outside of court!?   Alec has a new mom!! (yay, really THANK GOD!)  Nevaeh has her own life away from you.  They see your comments on that post and they ignore it…they don’t even respond by liking your comments..  literally they pass over and go onto ❤️ the next one. Must be tough.  You told nevaeh that you feel the same way about her, and you’ve loved her, her whole life more than anything, after she had her son. But you didn’t love her enough.. Not enough to grow up, not enough to get a job and support her, not enough to teach her about responsibility, safe sex or the importance of an education.  All you taught that girl was how to lay on her back and have kids so someone else would take care of her because that’s all you’ve ever done and known! You put yourself out there as an uneducated, ignorant, abused, stay at home mom over half your life.. never had a real job. Standards? Not Neva. 

 It must be hard walking in your shoes every day. Knowing all the foul shit that’s come out of your mouth is now biting you in your nonexistent ASS.  All those little comments about my kids, and how you could do so much better raising them, how I’m a shitty mom and I don’t know how to take care of my kids because I have all these kids, by all these men, and none of them want to be with me,  and they all take their kids away from me because I’m in and out of jail, and I’m getting high on drugs, and I am sleeping with married men.. and the list goes on…  but when you read that, it really starts to sound a lot like the life you are living every day.  Do you REALLY think you could raise my kids when you can’t even feed yourself bitch?  My kids would run over your sorry ass because they would see you for the piece of shit you were, and have you arrested for neglect. That’s what you are AT BEST. NEGLECTFUL. 

  I have an 18-year-old son that would kill you over me, and your kids won’t even talk to you. The part i don’t understand.. you said all these things. I’ve proved it. I brought all the receipts. & you really think i would just….. ignore it? Dead wrong. 

Sorry, not sorry at all.  

Shoulda shut that mouth, and those legs. 

looks like ☁️