i just wanna know…

 what it’s like trying to pay your own bills? 

what’s it like feeding yourself instead of eating on america’s food stamp dime?

what’s it like being mid thirties with ZERO job experience? (oh i know this answer! the anxiety πŸ™ƒ not the hogs squealing sounding like your childrens screams ! / btw who theee fucks kids scream and squeal like hogs?! abused ones. check) gotta quit this job!

what’s it like when your step dad gets you a job & to show him the utmost respect, you quit?

what’s it like having supervised visitation with your own children? 

so glad the rest went to gabe. he actually IS a good dad. you got one thing right in so much wrong. someone to pick up the pieces for your children when you can’t grow up long enough to do it yourself. 


abstinence. it’s how you stop populating kentucky. 

condoms. it’s how you can carry on your slut ways without populating kentucky. 

ADOPTION. It’s how you continue your drunken slut ways and give those kids the very best chance in life. (getting theee fuck away from YOU!) 

get a grip. 

looks like ☁️