The Nursery

Slowly, but surely coming together! Tomorrow we're picking up baby girls crib & it's got the changing table/drawers attached. That will be placed directly across from Carter's crib. A few things will have to come out of there & go in the spare room. I think I'll be turning that into a play/T.V room with a pack & play, toys and their T.V. - Hopefully I can finish that room before P arrives. Her bassinet will be going in our bedroom until I feel comfortable moving her into her crib. I am going to set up get baby monitor for Carter, just in case he wakes up in the middle of the night.. Lord knows I don't need him waking Peyton at the same time, lol. So.. I'll post her crib/their room, finished, tomorrow sometime & the play room once I have it organized.

looks like ☁️