Week 35 ")

So.. week 35 was decent. I've been extremely tired lately. Not just physically, but emotionally and mentally. I can't seem to find the energy to even think now-a-days. My milk definitely came in this week. Ouchie, my boobies. After the steroids my milk came in full blown, then suddenly went away. I was worried I wouldn't be able to breast feed because I thought it was gone for good, then I woke up this morning with a wet tshirt on. Pads are miracles. Heehee. Otherwise, mister Carter has slowed his over zealous attacks on my belly. He's in there pretty snug now, so although kick counts are the same, the huge waves have pretty much stopped. Every once in a while I get one, but not often. Brandon will be home Friday ") I'm so happy. I was worried that even though this was only a ten day trip, I may go into labor and he'd be five hours away. I knew he would leave ASAP to be here with me, but I didn't want to go through any of it without him. He wasn't there for braydon, so that would have broken my heart. Buuttt.. he's coming home in two days so I'm good now. Uhhmm.. hopefully I will find time to do my YouTube video of all the clothes and cute little nothings we bought Carter before he arrives.. just have to find the energy. I guess if worse comes to it, I can always do it post partum. I have an ultrasound tomorrow at Sacred Heart High Risk & I can't wait to see baby boy ") This ultrasound I'll get more photos for his baby album.. yay.

Well, that's about it.. Ohh, I have gained 34 pounds this pregnancy... And that's it lol..

I will post tomorrow about my ultrasound. 

looks like ☁️