...34 days?!?!

Really. That's it. That's all the days left until Carter is home. Until I'll never be pregnant again. Until were up and down all night changing diapers, breast feeding and rocking our baby. Until life as we know it changes drastically for the better... 34 days MAX - I say 2 1/2 to 3 weeks...maybe. Regardless.. he's almost home.

I'm not afraid of labor at all. I have a birthing plan set up with my hospital and want to do it completely natual (just because it's my last and for no other reason..)

This weekend I will pack my hospital bag & maybe do a video for my YouTube channel just because.

Brandon comes home next week & won't be leaving again for a good lil while. Thankfully. I'll also pack him a bag for the first night..after that he will sleep at home with the kids while Carter and I finish the hospital journey. Yes, he will still be there daily..just not every night.

I'm excited. Anxious. Elated. Amazed... And overall, just incredibly happy. I cabt wait to see his beautiful face & touch his skin.

I'm in love already.

34 days ")

looks like ☁️