About that time..

I spent all day yesterday and about four hours today putting everything in its place for baby boy. Nesting I guess. I've rearranged his crib into like twelve different spots, but finally made up my mind. Brandon was happy then, lol. I've taken the sheets off of his swing and crib.. his carseats are both in my car and Brandons truck. Everything is spotless and disinfected with lysol. Washed all his clothes, sheets, bedding, socks, caps and car seat covers.  Bottles have been washed. Breast pump was taken out of the box and boiled. Everything is perfect. I feel much better.

Now, I can spend the last day of my pregnancy relaxing. We have plans for a few maternity photos tomorrow evening, then dinner and a movie.

I'm so ready. I have no fear of labor, or delivery. My only anxiety is that Carter does well through it all.

Well, until I get bored and blog more.. lol..


looks like ☁️