Timid. War.


While i’m democrat- and i don’t go back and forth depending on who the nation loves- (as i clearly watch others do) i appreciate my democrat president. however, he IS timid. he IS clearly afraid. and although he’s the one to make the call, most americans can agree, we should be doing MORE. 
how do you send intelligent missiles and all kinds of military equipment to Ukraine, but tell them they’re not allowed to shoot them at the russian forces KILLING, RAPING AND STEALING their home?? 
fuck that. 
the problem is not just for Ukraine. 
the problem will expand. 
putin will declare war on the US, maybe not today, but the longer we sit here and watch these war crimes, and do not DEFEND people who cannot defend themselves, ( which HELLO, america is built on these ideas) the closer we get to our own war with russia. 

come on me president. grow a set. 

looks like ☁️