HUMAN RiGHTS v.The Constitution.


“With sorrow for the court, but more, for the many millions of American women who have today lost a fundamental constitutional protection - we dissent.” 

Out-voted with no choice. Placement of these justices was crucial for the Trump agenda, but the Supreme Court should be about JUSTICE, just-ness. Not politics. The weight of law doesn’t belong in my womb. Human rights, including access to abortion and reproductive health care, should never be political gains. You can buy an AR, but not a packet of pills for your own consumption. You can walk into a school and start shooting, but you can’t walk in a clinic to save your own life. 

 here’s the thing - Roe has protected abortion access for 50+ years. Today women have less rights than their mothers, over their OWN BODIES. There are LESS bans on GUN CONTROL than on a WOMANS BODY. You know, those lives yall so desperately want to protect? Yea, they’re being SLAUGHTERED in schools bc you won’t pass a gun control law to help - but you have say over what happens to MY uterus?? Yesterday “states couldn’t pass gun law or bans to protect their citizens” which dismissed a concealed carry ban, siting the constitution. but today it’s up to the states to give or take access to basic womens health ?? A contradiction in the highest form. The constitution was written hundreds of years ago. they had ZERO forethought as to what life would be like in 2022. They couldn’t predict these things given the chance. Nobody can tell you in 1776 when that constitution was declared, they could foresee the issues people would have today. Impossible. Amendments to The Constitution have happened before, and should be amended to protect womens, HUMAN rights. They’d never known a democracy as such. And they clearly didn’t know America today would have a Republican president, who would appoint THREE Supreme court justices who were all accepting of his agenda. The saddest part is one is a woman. Now granted, a woman with means. She is a Supreme Court Justice. She makes as much as the president. She has the means to travel. The means to pay for healthcare. Reproductive care. She can go anywhere in the world and access abortion. This ruling affects your neighbor, and her daughter. Your boss. Your cousin. Your niece. Your daughters. Your friends and their daughters. This ruling adversely affects BIPOC and marginalized communities. The girls with no money to pay for a trip to a democratic state and get an abortion they desperately need. The girls you call welfare queens, bc they can’t get abortions they’re now stuck on state assistance trying to raise the child you forced them to keep in conditions YOU nor a supreme court justice would ever survive in. This is what america is. A constant battle of gun and reproductive health woes. You can conceal your gun and go in a school and kill dozens of children. That’s supreme court ok. But you cannot seek out a doctor to help you with birth control. Your womb has more hands on it than any trigger in this entire country.  

As an American Woman, today is a sad day for us. All of us. 

looks like ☁️