disgusted by tv moms

 i don’t know.. i guess life just looks so different when you don’t have to wait for anyone else to take care of you. when you come home to your own house, that you pay for.. so you can’t get thrown out when the person paying the rent is sick of your shit. common sense. having your own car, so you can go wherever you want, whenever you want. a job.. not just a job, but a stable job. so you can do all those things we just talked about. when you can take care of your kids without thinking someone else needs to foot the bill. basically, stop living off the government. without food stamps half of america would be dead and the other half in jail bc their kids never ate! nobody owes you shit. people lay up and have dozens of kids, knowing full well they can’t give it a damn thing. the government throws money at the problem, when they should throw a damn book. πŸ“• 

abortion is a personal choice - but adoption is an option. better yet  __birth control__ (i know, wild.) abstinence 🀯  you gonna live off your kids since conception? god did not tell you to overpopulate the earth with ignorance. semen gave you children. that’s science. the miracle is god ever allowing you to populate anything! i’d bet my last rusty penny all those women will be pregnant before 2k23. ugh. disgusting. 

rant over. maybe. 

looks like ☁️