Fun stuff. This morning i woke up to fire trucks galore. It’s dry season in florida. It’s also pretty windy in the cooler months, even in town away from the beach. I live beside a power sub-station. Those empty fields full of power lines.. that too. That, in particular long, dry lower line field comes right up to my back door.. and my disabled neighbor. I opened the back door to let the cats out, and smelled very thick smoke. Assuming someone was burning leaves, i wanted to make sure it wasn’t close to my property. I was greeted with flames coming through the fence directly in front of my car. Fun. There were several engines the length of my street, dousing the fire with their hoses. Thankfully they have it fully extinguished within a few hours. I threw all my photos in my trunk, got the kids (cats too) and we sat in the car, a block over, watching. That is an incredibly scary feeling. Not knowing if my house was going to burn down brought fears to the front of my mind like, where will i get clean clothes for my kids? How will i replace everything? How do i start over, again? After a while i realized i was blessed to be able to get my kids, my pets and my neighbor to safety. I had time to grab my photo albums and scarp books.. I could replace everything else. These little people are my life. I’d happily give them my last breath, so that they could have air. I’d give up the home, clothes, makeup.. TVs, playstation’s, tablets, plants, beds, dressers, shoes, tables, stereos.. i’d give it all for them. Over and over. Every single time. They are why i have all these things. They are the driving force in me. They’re the energy i get up and face each day with. I’d be eternally lost without them. They saved me. In the truest form. I’m thankful for these days. I get the chance to appreciate my family with a new perspective. I can see all the good in my world. I count my blessings. 🥰


looks like ☁️