well damn.

 if someone told you they have no idea why they lost custody of their children because they always had the best birthday parties and Christmases wouldn’t you question why they spent all their so-called money only on birthdays and Christmas and not any other time of the year like when their kids need socks and shoes? Or jackets while they play in the snow? Wouldn’t you wonder why their kids were raised on soda and hotdogs instead of literally ANYTHING else with $2,000 worth of food stamps taxpayers GIVE you for those kids? i mean, you couldn’t feed one child.. much less TEN. Or would you ask yourself hang on none of that was your money you didn’t provide any of it you didn’t pay for it you may have went and picked it up from the store but you used someone else’s money to provide it to your children.  wish i got two grand in food stamps shhhiiiittt

that’s my question. If you had these grand parties why wouldn’t you just hide some of that money to have for the rest of the year considering you have 10 kids and for the last two years all you’ve done is complain that your ex-husband wanted to know where all his money was going. I mean I would want to know too.. when you just sit at home on your ass Spending someone else’s hard-earned money. He’s not wrong for questioning where his money goes he’s not wrong for making sure that you don’t blow it because you didn’t earn it. Get a grip girl. This year is really gonna suck because you don’t get taxes for those kids anymore... their PARENTS do. πŸ˜‚ having kids for the tax credit only works if you actually have custody of your kids. you really should consider educating yourself now that you’re not hindered by your children… again.  a maybe your new boo can help get you there and back before you miraculously wind up pregnant .. again. 

Don’t they fix you people up in kentucky? you should definitely look into some sort of permanent Castration. save the world. stop breeding dumb bitch.  

looks like ☁️