titles change, facts remain.

 so my posts on my other blog were reported. lmao. guess what? doesn’t change the facts. facts are that every post is real and true! you are a pos in every aspect. you’re a pos wife. a pos mother. a pos daughter. a pos friend. a pos no job having fuckin ya step daddy drunk no good lying shady attention seeking lazy UGLY crack whore. that’s reality. my blog address has changed, and you got my posts reverted to drafts. thanks. idiot. reposted and changed my address. wooppptttyyyy. look at you go! 

edit: EX wife.. he even left your ass. i’d say go trap jace like you tried to trap tony, and managed to trap gabe lying about his non existent “daughter” kendra who we all know isn’t actually his kid. he finally also knows. i hope all the food stamps add up, and the child support they hit you with will make you realize laying on your back grunting and farting out a blob of bone and skin doesn’t make you anything. supporting those same children is what makes you a mother. something you’ve always lacked. how can you support a child when you can’t even manage to support YOU, simple bitch?! you can’t, idiot.

careful. your real ness is showing. 

looks like ☁️