my baby boy πŸ₯°

this kid. he loves me like nobody else. he defends me, even when i’m wrong. he is so cool. he teaches me about minecraft and life daily. he reminds me that the connection we have is different.. he understands me, and i, him... he’s growing up and it’s incredibly bitter/sweet.. 

that’s my baby boy. the last boy. my last boy. and he’s not a baby anymore.. he’s not a toddler. he’s not a young child.. he’s like, a whole kid. he’s turning 8 and i’m a mess. he lovesssss me, and he tells me he doesn’t want to grow up. he wants to sleep by me forever, and never move away from home. πŸ˜‚ he’s so grown though. like it or not. he is, in fact, growing up. he’s the typical gamer kid.. but the super sweet, kind, INTELLIGENT kind and i’m so proud of who he is. 

this is an early birthday message, for you my dude. always find your way back home. i’ll be with you forever. i love you deep. ❤️ mama

looks like ☁️