Nice try-

I guess if everything on my fb was for your stalkin ass, you would have seen the things posted on the tenth-instead you are so desperate for any kind of attention you post this....lmfao. I know what Valentines Day is for me-sorry your not priveledged to this info. Maybe if you were not stealing my brothers photos, you could spend some time with your own family, instead of trying to be so involved in every single aspect of mine. Idiot.

I feel bad for your kids, and parents. What kind of home are they really in? What are you really teaching them? If this is who you are, obviously it will be who they are. Ignorant, disrespectful and THEIVES.

Maybe you should read from & teach Nevaeh to have morals that were never instilled in you apparently.. apparently they are all attention starved, undisciplined brats-why? You. Clearly. Play MOMMY & stop making your seven year old do it.

P.S- I pray you learn more self respect. No DAUGHTER or MOTHER would try to talk shit like THIS. Oh, and know some facts before that monster forehead overlods that big ass mouth.
(Try spelling somewhat correctly on your tumblr.. then maybe you could pull off claiming someone else identity.. all the same words you always misspell are still wrong

No. This doesn't bother me. I couldn't care less what you think. Its wrong

Josh would like to talk though :-)

looks like ☁️