Why did you delete it Mary?

Cached pages on Google suck aye....


And no you illiterate slab, nobody could misspell that shit.

All this shit you wrote, you removed cause you KNOW FOR A FUCKING FACT IT A LIE! That's all you do is lie. MOOCH? LOL... COMING FROM A BITCH WHO NEVER IN HER FUCKING LIFE HAD A JOB???? Give that up!! Like your "friend" says... you only with Gabe cause he is your paycheck, and he may be the only one to claim those kids, but only two of them he actually fathered. Tony didn't, and doesn't want Nevaeh.. or Lily. Ask Katie when the last time she say a check from him? HAVE YOU EVER? LOL.

You don't know shit, and clearly never will.

I don't need you too feel shit for me. I asked NICELY, and was honest. That is the difference between you and I.

For someone claiming "leave me alone" you sure had a LOT to say.

Someone who DOES NOT CARE, you sure have A LOT TO SAY.

You're IGNORANT, and clearly.. always will be.


Thursday, February 7, 2013


This is as far as i got, and i didn't even read, however far this was i kinda skimmed... Know why?! As soon as i saw you say...

How would i feel if i did everything you could to find my kid.... Well JESSICA let me just say. 1st off, i would NEVER need to FIND any of my children! Because i take care of them. That's what a real MOTHER does. (as i said back in what 2010- i did NOT leave Tony's mother's house until my child was back with me! I fought for my child, i called the cops. I wouldn't leave until my child was back with her mother. THAT'S A TRUE MOTHER, WHO LOVES THEIR CHILD!!!
 This msg is you trying to get me feel sorry for you, but you know what.........
It wasn't Christmas....It was NEW YEARS DAY!!!!! The first day of 2013 we were hanging out with Trae and his parents. Oh and before that, it was about 5 day's before that i also saw him.
I am not falling for this act again. I don't and never will feel sorry for you. You need someone to take that baby off your hands thou? for real, let me know i have someone who would love a baby. Otherwise i can only pray you actually find a stable home, a way to get around to get to the doctor for you and baby, and work. I couldn't imagine not seeing my children longer then a day. But that's not my life, because i chose my children over everything. They are the most important things in my life and if i couldn't wake up to them everyday, my beautiful, wild, amazing kids, i dont know what i'd do. You made choices, you had your heart broken, not because you didn't get to see trae and i did. But because you used him to steal and you put yourself in jail, you lost your son because of YOU. Dont blame anyone else but yourself. you can talk as much crap about tony all you want, it doesn't bother anyone. Your the one bad mouthing your son's father not me. You had me believing tony didn't care about nevaeh, when really he cared more about nevaeh then you wanted him too. You were so worried about your son being raised around beer, but wtf did you do everynight, what have you been doing for him? You have more photo's of you drinking,smoking pot, and the newest man in your bed. No one cares about your life. You only bumped my daughter's photo's you stole and posted to make me mad since i have photo's of trae, to make me mad, but im not. its cute you have old stolen pix of my daughter That should make you feel proud. Well i DO have lots of trae, and just so you know, he has brown eyes! NOT GREEN! They are SOOO brown,. just like his dad, his hair/skin/ears/nose/chin....yup just like his dad. Just like both his sisters! Theyre related and they have a relationship and im in Nevaeh's life, so you can be mad that you didnt get to see him and that no one called you, but you brought this on yourself. Tonys doing so much better since he moved to texas. Just leave trae alone. Dont even claim the kid anymore. He has a dad/mom he has a family. Let him be happy. Dont suck him back into your hole. You are not stable enough for a new baby, let alone your son, you screwed it up. You screwed up your own family, you. You mooch off people. You can't get things yourself anymore. You may have worked in the past, but truth is: Trae's better off without you. 
I donr have anything to say to you. I didn't get your email, but why send me a "Nice" msg then be rude and hateful by posting a bunch of crap. I dont get it. Just leave me alone. I dont post photo's of Trae unless his face is blurred. So dont worry about someone taking the pictures. 

Okay, skimmed through more.......
It's all been said so what's the point in saying it again.
You faked all those email's you creaper  Do you not realize you fixed my spelling through it, writing each word after the next misspelled word, so you completely changed everything i said.That's sick. You are such a fake person. Why post anything at all when your not a good liar! That must be why you deleted this blog post so fast. You realized you Re-wrote it and forgot to go back and take out your added words. Proof reading is best when your talking to someone alot smarter then you. I dont need to proof-read. Im not a liar and im not ashamed of being dyslexic. I have nothing to hide. Not a single thing. Well okay a few now, but i just dont want YOU knowing some things. You think you know me, because you drive by my house starring at my family. But truth is: The only things you see about me with your drive bys make you more mad then anything else "Aside from you having a 4th boy", cause i have way more then you ever will. You dont care that you didn't get to see trae, you care that i got to see him! 
(repeat: If you want to give your new son up for adoption, you can email me at danisonfamily@aol.com
I know someone who can take very good care of him and you wont have to worry about child support or anything! They will take this baby and let you live your life on your own. But if you decide to keep him, please, PLEASE, get yourself stable!!! For the baby!!!)
That is the DUMBEST shit I have EVER read... EVER. Who the FUCK are you to tell ME what the FUCK I should do about MY son, or MY new baby?!?!?! NO FUCKING BODY, GET THAT THROUGH YOUR THICK ASS FUCKING HEAD. My 7 year old gets it, why can't YOU?
BTW, why don't you ask Samantha exactly where I am, what I go & what she really knows. She moved out of the place we stayed together in NOVEMBER, SKIPPED OUT ON RENT AND BILLS SHE OWED, AND LEFT SOMEONE ELSE TO PICK UP HER SLACK.... oops.... Let's NOT forget that I (YES I, JESSICA SANDERS) GOT HER OLD MAN THE JOB HE HAS... and decided to run her mouth when I told her man she was a slut, and cheating. She ran to you and made up a BUTT LOAD of BULLSHIT. Then Brandon jumped her ass, and NOW she won't be doing that NO more. LOL.
but LOL @ you "not caring about lil ol me" skills.
Now, if AT ALL POSSIBLE, stop coming to my blog. I see where YOU search my shit. IDC about you, Tony or anyone you associate with. REGARDLESS to what you think.
It's mind over matter... I don't mind, and YOU don't matter.
Your brother understood... Maybe you should read HIS words and accept it, and move on.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Still Internet Thuggin'

WTF This Little Bitch Is Still Fuckin With My Little Sister! Ok Last Time I Crushed Lee'z Dreamz. Now Jessica, Little Girl Your Fuckin With Tha Wrong Man. I Have A Life That'z Why I Gave You Children My Address. I Also Know Lee Knowz Where Byrom Street Is. His Faggot Ass Went To Milton High School! Oh What You Dont Think I Do My Resurch Rather Than Makin Shit Up About People. Jessica If You'd Go Take Care Of Your Child's Eczema Your Babies Rash Would Heal! Oh & Tha 50lbs. Of Make Up Itz Takez For You To Think Your Cute DONT WORK BITCH! All That Cover Girl & Your Acne Scarz Are Still Visable. Oh & My Birthmark Seriously, Do You Need Me To Explan What A Birthmark Is? I Mean So Far You Ignorance Knowz No Boundz. By Tha Way If You Spent More Time With Your Kid. You Wouldnt Have Tha Time To Be Playin Around On Myspace & Callin Otheir People Trailer Trash. (PSSSSTTTT HEY JESSICA HERE'Z SOME INFO YOU STUPID BITCH NONE OF US LIVE IN A TRAILER)
Seriously Are You Jus Makin Shit Up As You Go? Whatever You Amuse Me So Dance Puppetz Keep Sayin My Name!


looks like ☁️