Viva Falestinia

 it’s been a little over a month and the things I have seen on my screen are traumatizing.. 

1400 israeli's and over 11,000 palestinians have lost their lives. 

the best depiction i can give is.. 

israel has been bombing gaza for 70+ years. constant occupation of their lands.. murdering these people and not batting an eye. Settlers in the Palestinian territory (israel nationals) can walk outside and shoot a palestinian child and are hailed hero’s. a select people retaliates - finally, and Israel has been given a worldwide support of “self defense” and with this, they’ve chosen to wipe an entire CULTURE off the map.. it’s not Israel vs. Hamas - it’s Israel committing a GENOCIDE and trying to wipe the world of Palestine and its people- 


I fully support Huda Kattan, Huda Beauty, Kayali & Wishful & i am so grateful someone from my community has stood against these injustices. 

There is a petition gaining signatures asking to boycott Huda’s companies from Sephora, Sephora is a French company. Zionist minds are trying to control this narrative.. and if you have half a brain, you will stop purchasing Israel’s products and pour that money into a company like Huda Beauty- who’s has already donated a million dollars for relief in Gaza.

be on the right side of these history books as they’re written. this isn’t a war for good and bad.. this is a MASS MURDER of humanity, for land. land nobody owns, but God. for status.. status nobody gets to keep. for opinion and self serving hate.. hate that grows everyday between humanity. we are ALL the same. you are human and so am i. NOBODY takes it with them when they’re gone. You enter The Kingdom with all you had when you began life on Earth - nothing. Not even the clothes you wear when you take that last breath will follow along.. 

i’m ashamed to be an american today. our leaders fund genocide and WE elect them. WE ARE THE ARMS DEALERS, AMERICA. We are paying for this war. financially, mentally & emotionally. 

Vote these people out of office & support Palestine.. even if it’s in the small ways, like supporting Huda Beauty, Kayali, Wishful & Glowish. Her entire family has a heart of pure gold. 

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