
i LOVE waking up to my kids! i love that i don’t just get to push them out of my vagina, but SUPPORT them in every way!  financial, emotional, physical, mental and all that comes with being a real mom. i LOVE that i don’t miss a thing in their lives because i’m present each and everyday. I LOVE their fathers and wish them nothing but the best! i LOVE having a damn good job that allows me to do all that AND shop mostly online so i don’t even go in walmart, much less walk there to spend the change i begged for to buy a beer & “chug and fuck” - 🤣 i LOVE not having to live a COMPLETE fucking LIE ! I LOVE being able to say i have THREE exes i have children with. 3. My kids know their fathers, and vice versa. i don’t have to accuse every dude i fuck of being pos .. abusive.. lying cheating bum dingbats. i LOVE looking my children in their eyes KNOWING they know who their fathers are & feeling secure in knowing in 100 years when i’m dead and gone my family will still be MINE. I won’t have to worry about telling my children i was a complete liar their entire life. I LOVE that im the same person today as i was yesterday and aint a bum bitch alive who can say she was a better mother than ME!

looks like ☁️