False Alarms & All That..

So Sunday night, all night, and Monday morning I had major contractions. No Braxton Hicks contractions... This was the real deal. So, Monday around noon, after timing them for about two hours, I called into my OB and spoke with the NP. She told me go ahead and pack a bag for you and the baby, find a sitter, once you've done that, call us back for further instructions. Me, making assumptions, thought for sure I would be holding my Princess by morning.. I call back around 4pm only to be told, wait it out at home, and once your contractions hit 2/3 minutes apart or your water breaks, head into Sacred Heart L&D... I was so disappointed! I wanted so badly to meet my baby girl!! 

Now it's late Tuesday night, and I haven't had a single contraction since last night, which really sucks, but at the same time I'm thankful I didn't have to sit in triage five hours to be sent home, and I know P still needs more time to be perfect.

I'm thankful, and at the same time still kind of sad. I know the day is drawing closer with every moment that passes. I was really hoping to have her on the Fourth of July, but God has a different plan!! I am slowly accepting that. 

Anyways, tomorrow I'll be 37 weeks, which if you get technical, is full term, so I know it will be any day now. 

looks like ☁️