
I was so sure about Bailey Rae.. Now that I'm having a girl, I have had the toughest time coming up with her name. Peyton is absolute for her first name.. but coming up with a middle name that actually flows well with Peyton is harder than I thought. My friend Katrina suggested Leigh, which I love because it's my name, and Carter has his fathers middle name, Lee, as well.. But Peyton Leigh doesn't sound "right" in my head.. So I'm leaning toward Camille. Cassidy Camille Dunaway was a very good friend of mine, who passed away exactly one month before Carter was born, and I love her middle name.. Plus I love the idea of her always being with me. So Peyton Camille maybe?! I don't know. I like Peyton Rose, Marie, Sage, Isabella... I have a serious list.

This is just me thinking out loud I guess.. I'm surely thankful this baby is not a boy, because Lord knows I've deciphered every boy name in the English language over the past eleven years.. So I guess, it's a better battle, lol.

My next apt, is high risk, Monday June 2nd. Which is also my Dads birthday :) Hopefully all goes well. Can't wait to see her again!

looks like ☁️