Bat shit crazy!!

You google your name & find stuff written about you and your children & it comes off as "attention" starved? Lol. I just did & when google showed the omitted results I found out a lot about myself I didn't know. Apparently, I've faked pregnancies, boyfriends, used my kids to get things, keep men (who I never had relationships with..) And their fathers take them from me because I'm "in and out of jail"

Lol.. Crazy!! I'm amazed at how little I knew about myself.

As far as I knew, all my children came from long term relationships, and I never had to lie about their blood for a man to stay. I work, and don't wait around for a man to bring home the money & give me an allowance, oh, and I knew what was best for my children.. Instead of looking up someone to take me in and raise my child as well as myself, I allowed my children to live with their father. I didn't have mommy to run back to :( poo! Shame on me!
Maybe I should've gotten pregnant and stayed in those relationships to keep a meal ticket instead of doing it on my own. Shame on me!!

I'm so sorry, sometimes you gotta just laugh at the dumb stuff people reach so far to get.

I have my diploma, I have 14 college credits, I have 10+ years work experience AND a wonderful relationship where I can bring more than PUSSY to the table ;)

I have everything I need & so do my children, without the need to hop on Facebook and talk about someone I've never met.. Hmm..

I have 4 & 1/2 children by three men. One I dated six years, one I dated three and one I've been dating almost three years.. Seems long term to me. I do not, however, have TWO one night stand children who don't know their fathers. I guess, whatever floats your boat huh ;)

Oh well, people who desperately need this attention can continue to talk about me, it's flattering I'm who gets it for them!!


Ps, if Katie would like to contact me about this "$500 bond" she paid, she's more than welcome.. Only it was $200, and she went in my home, in my safe, and brought me my

looks like ☁️