Emails 2007-2011

  • Conversation started January 3
  • Jessica Leigh Sanders

    Don't delete this.
    First, I want to apologize to you for anything I ever said or wrote that hurt you or your family.
    Two, I am not writing this to gain access to your Facebook or something intended to be sneaky. I read your blog about Trae. I'm asking you to remove it. Not because I have a problem with you or your daughter seeing and knowing him, but because that's my son. You used to talk so much about how much I worked and Trae never saw me and this and that, so therefore you know.. From the day he was born, I busted my ass to raise him. Alone. Tony didn't work until Trae was one. I went back to work when he was four Weeks old. I moved away from Tony for Trae to have a life without an alcoholic. You don't know half of it because is embarrassing to tell anyone my son lived in a home where he had to witness his father pee in his own bed because he was so drunk. I worked everyday. I never took Trae from Tony. Once I had Trae, Tony never called..visited. Filed visitation, and you see where the judge took that away because he never showed. I knew when I got a warrant Trae couldn't be with me. I wasn't going to risk Tony being in Texas, me being attested and Trae going who knows where.. So yes, I asked Tony to keep him while I settled that. Tony never came back. Tony never called. You don't think I've called his mother every single day? Lela, Tony aunts and uncles. His friends..Dominic, Leon. You don't think he doesn't have access to my number? Kevin and Rita have it. Address? Same. Tony never paid one bill for me. He was responsible for a power bill, in the home his son lived in. what, maybe a hundred dollars a month? Didn't pay it for two months. Never paid it once. Know why Rita paid it? My power got shut off on a Friday night. Tony had Trae that dart and night. Saturday night, Tony tried to drop his 3yo off with my boyfriend across the street so he and Christina could go off and do whatever. The next day, Rita paid the power bill and brought Trae home because tiny dropped him off with her. That's why. They tell you a lot that makes me look bad, but they leave out most of the defining details.
    I'm happy Trae is happy. I'm happy he is loved and smartand growing so big, but to see you post pictures of him..when nobody even called to let me say hi on Christmas, beaks my heart. If that was one of your children, and you've done everything you could to find him, how would you feel? That's my little boy, and all I ever did was try to make sure he was good. Say what you want, do as you please.. But as a mother, please stop talking about him.
    I'm glad you got to meet him. He's perfect, I know. (with Tony ears still, I see.)

                  • Myspace 2007_______________________________________________________________________________________
                  she sure know's how to use people just like rita! i know ritas game she played it on me.
                  Took me to a car lot had me pick out a car told me if i moved in with tony she'd get it for me. We got into a BIG argument that day! that was actually why i stopped talking to her.
                  yeah rita has a lot of broken promises. She told me she would take nevaeh from me, she tryed. she threatened me also when i was there.
                  she was saying bye to nevaeh and handed her to tony and told him to take her into the house and stay. She said i wont get my daughter back and her gf told me to leave, i said fuck you im not going anywhere without my daughter!!!!!
                  she said you wont ever see her again go leave now, i called the cops and she made tony come outside and give her to me. i left with my child not saying anything i didnt care just wanted her back and rita gone!
                  rita sent me a pic of lily, god that baby is beautiful.
                  I wish i could just see more then that one!
                  but yeah i made a 2nd facebook just for tony and rita. i didnt want them taking all my pix from my other one. so i only added some pix to the new one for them. idk if they have pix. i know and nevaeh knows she was with me when they were taken.
                  but that's whatever
                  To: :.:.:Jessica:.:.: (
                  U think u know me u dont. U herdheard about me from salazars! Thats it. They dont know me either! Whatever ur a whore! U think ima waste my time n money on u just to show u what ur saying ur gonna do 2 me. ur so scared ha change ur number write me saying tony dont want me oooh that hurts not! Im glad he dont want me no more. Im glad i aint w him. I got my daughter and the one n only man she has known scence SINCEshe was 6 mths old. I have been w him and only him how am i a hoe dumb bitch! N tony dont worry bout vaeh her last name will be changed very soon! =========================================================================
                  To: :.:.:Jessica:.:.: (
                  U really think im jelous of ur bitch ass. Ur ugly dumb lazy messy slezzy nothing but a whore thats thinks shes better then other people cause she gets handed money by a cheating lezbo who dont give a shit what her kids think about it. Thats good thats the way to teach ur kids. Anywho back to ur bitch ass u need to learn to control that mouth u have on that fat head. Ur gonna run it to the wrong person n get ur ass beat. O n u need to watch what u say about other peoples kids or kid. My daughter was no mystake! n if tony didnt want one that bad y didnt he use protection. Dumb ass bitch n he knew i wasnt taking birth control.T!Stupid. If nevaeh was a mystake im sure god wouldnt have given her to me! Im sure tonys gonna read this so, tony ur a basterd.BASTARD Like father like son right. U salazars know how to lie cheat steal use n deny whats urz.U screw up n think ur the shit !ur nothing to me anymore u want nothing to do w vaeh good. She will know what u did to her. ==================================and more=================
                  To: :.:.:Jessica:.:.: (
                  So hows ur fat ass self... Talk about someone being scared! U are so damn lucky i dont have the time to come out there n show u what running ur cheap nasty skanky messy ass dick suckin mouth gets u!!!! I cant believe u really got it n ur tiny brain that i want ur fat ass cheating lazy no good drug using basterd! Ur so dumb hoe! N i cant believe u call people u dont even know a hoe wen u know ur the one being messy n whoring around 4 babies! Stupid bitch. I hope i didnt hurt ur feelings wait i dont care about u im sure im hurting ur feelings and im glad to tell u what u already know. Ur slezzy ! U think the world revolves around ur fat head. Well look around bitch ur like 5'4 ur a short ass i could step on u n squesh u like the lil ugly roach that u r! N im sure u doing drugs n ur home around ur kids will get them taken n u arested. U better watch ur back!! O n i noticed u didnt go 2 my sisters house, i knew u were nothing but ascared lik bitch w a loud mouth.U n tony have a good life u deserve that! rita and the rest of themsalazars can fuck off theywont never see nevaeh. rita tryed to rape nevaeh when i was in fl the first time she met nevaeh. i picked her up with blood running downher legs whenshe was 2mo old.and i know the lezbo rita and her nast slezzy ass whore girlfriend suzy raped nevaeh. thats what mexican spics do. bye for now glad you got tony the woman beater drug addict.
                  ExpectingNumber2 (1 day ago)SpamO yes! he is very excited, this is actually his first. My 1st daughters dad wanted nothing to do with her, he said since he's mexican he never wanted a girl,(it's their culture-HE SAYS) which i know if just an excuess to be a deatbeat father... he has a son and is there for him and now is expecting a girl from a 3rd girl and hes not having anything to do with that one eitherYou crazy fucking whore. oh n lmao.. dont it suck not having your kids! sux u gotta go through that! KARMA WHORE! Glad NICK TOOK HIS KIDS AWAY FROM YOU ..

                  Katrina Paige-----

                  Kat Paige

                  Hey. yeah send me what you have. I would love to see it. Oh and your son is adorable in the you tube videos... TTYS
                  • September 2, 2010
                  • Jessica Leigh Sanders

                    6/21/2010 2:26 AM
                    To: iΠ²Ρ”llΞ± (
                    she did that cause she knew you would use it against me if you got ahold of it.
                    She was living with my mom and she was mad at me when she wrote that cause when she ws living there i told my mom if katrina didnt either move out or stop bringing pot into the house i wouldnt bring my kids over anymore. my mom told katrina that she wanted her to leave cause she wouldnt stop. well in the end my mom kicked her out cause i told her to make trina leave. And i am katrinas husbands( soon to be divorced) fiancee's friend. she was mad at me cause i wont stop talking to her (ashley)
                    anywho, yeah that's pretty much it, oh and i told robert katrina boyfriend that katrina is a whore cause she came home one day saying she sucked her boss's dick and she told me not to tell robert, well hell yeah ima tell him your a cheater and a whore. whatever its her life now they are part of some polly group, where coulpes have sex with other people, theyre insane. i dont even claim that whore to be relation to me after all the shit she has said and done. to me, her kids, and steve (ex hubby)
                    yeah.... i just cant stad her anymore and she wanted to feed you this long ass lie cause she knew you would throw it in my face cause she wouldnt.
                    6/21/2010 3:00 AM
                    To: iΠ²Ρ”llΞ± (
                    Yeah, like i said i dont talk much to rita, and yes i have commented on pix on her fb. and tony has a fb. here is the link you and see he and i have been talking, im on his friends. Why else would he have added me? if he hadnt been talking to me?
                    he told me you havent comtacted him. but i have been a little suspicious about how when i asked him about it he changed the subject like he does when he lies.
                    yeah i do know tony and i do know he's a liar! but i also know Nevaeh will someday want to know/meet him that's why i try keeping contact with him.
                    i dont care about pictures or whatever i just want to make sure i know where he is at so that when she does wanna see him (if) then she wont have to search for him.
                    and yes, my sister... it is bad! she's the worst mother ive ever known and i cant rest if she has those kids. i hate that she is the way she is but you cant change someone like that, no matter what you say or do to help them.
                    she's done pot with her kids in the car they know what the shit is for god sakes, she has gotten little steve drunk at age 3 with shots of vodka. i mean it's sad that she had them this long. But i will do my damnedest to keep them away from her!
                    • September 3, 2010
                    • Kat Paige

                      Did she send you anything else
                      • Jessica Leigh Sanders

                        well the messages she sent i posted on my blogspot..cuz after she found that page i deleted it. so i can send you the rest. sorry its all broken up like that. i just copied and pasted what i thought was relevant. most of my replys were about tonys mom and trying to get her to elaborate on what she was saying bout u... so i could send it to you ill check for more.
                        • Kat Paige

                          It's all good. She made it look like she was innocent... It's so funny. There was never any issues about her bring upset and telling my mother tha she would not bring her kids over. Yeah right she needed a sitter the whole time she was sleeping with all those guys ... Bon fires and Hawkins... Her baby daddy... I wish i could find him...
                          WOw what a bitch. y mother would never choose sides of her kids anyway.. My sister is a selfish person. and no one matters but her...
                          • Jessica Leigh Sanders

                            haha.. i noticed. she still has her friend nikol and her friends write me constantly on myspace. the page ur on. and i have screen shots of her on tonys moms facebook stealing pictures of trae and my friend katies new baby..which is tonys.. and sending them to rita, i have a protection order against rita and she isnt allowed to contact me. ive tried finding all these guys.. do you have any other setails about all that. id like to know what happened cuz shes needs a taste of her own medicine.
                            • Kat Paige

                              I posted on Craigs list in shelbyville looking for him / LOL
                              • Jessica Leigh Sanders

                                oh..and there were plenty of times she told me how she was gonna go get high with that dude..hawkins. and other guys she met online. i think its funny she singles you out for smokin pot but ur brother smokes and lives with ur mom too..
                                i saw ur post on there..saying he left something behind he really would want to have lol
                                • Kat Paige

                                  So.. SO FUNNY..
                                  Too bad Gabe married her before he knew that was not his baby...
                                  • September 3, 2010
                                  • Jessica Leigh Sanders

                                    he'll find out one day.. then she can jump outta everyone else life and realized hers was a lie & her lies are falling apart. o-well... im happy & know my babys daddy! lol..she says 'im not maikng my man take a dna test'.. duuuhh..then u wouldnt have a home.. nothing. i wouldnt either! lol!

                                    looks like ☁️